Home > The Ways to Care Oneself for Those Who Suffer From Depression

The Ways to Care Oneself for Those Who Suffer From Depression

August 2nd, 2010 at 05:50 am

In the ways of treatment, we usually emphasize on the comprehensive treatment based on medication. Celebrities’s Tiffany and Co , Take a Look and Make a Comment For mild and moderate patients, taking the psychological consultation and treatment is ok. but for severe ones, not only need the early drug treatment, but also psychotic treatment.Design links of london charms on Doll's Festival
In addition to be treated by a doctor, the patient also can take some positive actions in accordance of own conditions. The following suggestion is the special study depression expert the autotherapy instruction which provides for the depression patient, has the use value very much.
Don`t make goals you can`t achieve. See oneself's actuality correctly and envisage his own illness, Don't hold the post of a big pile of duty again, don't to many matter taking on all things.
Divide a complex work into some small parts according to priority and do what is within your ability. Never perk it to prevent the broken spirit caused by the incompletion of work. Don`t be lonely, try to connect more people.
Do more activities, such as mid body exercises, movies, TV plays or music. It`s also good to attend different social activities, like lectures, visits, interviews, etc., but won`t be too much. Don't be impatient with illness. Don`t worry, as healing takes time.
Patients had better not make big decisions such as changing jobs, marrying or divorce before discusing with people who know actual situations well. Or you can write down your own feelings, and then analyze and understand what is negative, Manage to shrug away behaviors which are the presence of depression.

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