Home > The Playactor of Uncle Mario

The Playactor of Uncle Mario

October 18th, 2010 at 02:22 am

I don't know how many people can still remember the TV show called The Super Mario Bros. What is Most Superb for Summer? iphone 3g accessories Surly! Super Show, which was first shown in 1989.Its character is to use live actors and animation to interpret the role in Super Mario vividly and directly.The leading actor Mario was played by strong Captain Lou Albano. His health declined greatly and died in the hospital near his home at 76 years old yesterday.The Coolest Abercrombie & Fitch Are Displayed, Go to Have a Look!
Who is Captain Lou Albano? He was actually a legendry figure.Captain Lou Albano's real name is Louis Vincent Albano, he was born in New York in 1933, 1.73m high and had strong physique.He entered the wrestling community at the age of 20, then he inducted into the United States famous WWE in 1983.Till he was 42 years' old, he had won 15 team titles and 4 individual titles.Extraordinary strength winned him quite popularity and since then he was involved in the wresting worldHe still played the brutal roles in 1980s and did not formally retire until 1995.Captain Lou Albano's fame is so high that we can see his presence not only in the wrestling area, but also the area of cartoons and manual toys.
Besides the passion for wresting, he loved video games as well.It was not an accident that Captain Lou Albano acted the Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show.One reason was his popularity, and secondly because of Captain Lou Albano did have a bit of charm Super Mario.

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