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Money Saving Tips: Use 10 Things for Free

December 6th, 2010 at 04:13 am

1. What to Dress to ALMA Awards? - the Best Choice Free tour guide. Tips you Should Remember the Reasons of the Popularity of UGG Boots Classic Tall Without the guidance by a local, it is hard to enjoy the best parts of the tourist attraction. Urban voluntary tour guides of the world take the initiative to show people their own cities. They will not charge you for the tip, not to forcibly take you to souvenir shops to go shopping. New York and other cities will also provide visitors with free public transport services. Such as these free guide services, are at least two hours or more under normal circumstances. Visitors can contact these volunteers about visit by e-mail or telephone before, in most cases, it requires a few weeks or a month in advance.
2. Free bike. In Copenhagen, Zurich, Bonn, Helsinki and other cities, tourist can borrow a bike from a number of designated sites of the city , so that they can tour every corner of the city.Tourists only need to pay deposit of 3-20 U.S. dollars, after returnning and locking the bike, you can get your deposit. In cities like Paris, Vienna, Rome, Lyons, the bicycle is free for the first half hour after which the tourists need to pay the rent. 3. Free podcasts. It allows visitors can go without guide. The visitors download podcast in MP3, that you can listen the explanation of worlds spots by you walking. 4. Free public transport. Visitors can take the subway, bus and ferry for free. In 27 intercity hotels in Germany and 1 in Vienna,the customers are able to use the free city public transport provided by the hotels. In some cities,you can even freely take the bus from the center of the city to the airport.When the customers check in,they can get a cash coupon which doesn't expire untill the midnight of the check-out day.
5. Free accommodation. Accommodation could be regarded as one of the largest travel expenses. However, if the exchange of houses with people may be big different. You can publish the information of your estate or apartment in some travel exchange websites,some of which are free,but only available in the United States,Canada,Mexico and Caribbean countries. The international exchange websites are available in almost every corner of this globe,but they require some annual fee.There are also some websites which provide the exchange of hosts,which means that the tourist lives in your house and is hosted by you,while next time when you travel,you can live in his house and be hosted by him. Of course, there is certain risk to stay a stranger in your home. You can give a call to your exchanger to feel what kind of person he is, and then make a decision. Read his recommendation carefully, and ask your neighbor or friend have a look at your house. 6.Free skiing.In Utah,USA,the tourists who take the early morning plane to Salt Lake City can go straight to some ski-resorts in the mountains,and they can ski freely throughout the day after showing the boarding card,cash coupon and identity card. In the Sunnyside Lift attractions, Utah locals can ski for free from 3:00 to 4:00. In Colorado, some free skiing is designed to reward volunteers. 7. Free sport events. Do you believe you can only watch games among amateur players here? It is wrong! You have the access to some world-class sport games in some cities. For example, the Olympic park in the parker city, Utah, U.S., a place that ever hosted 14 events in the2 winter Olympics, witnesses annually Olympic players from many countries practice a variety of skiing training activities.
8. Free visits to museums and zoos. Some world-class museums are open to the visitors for free. English national museums and galleries that located in England, Scottland and Wales are free. Only some special shows will charge some money. In the Lincoln park and zoo, Chicago, visitors can watch sea lion, ape,bear, penguin for free. 9. Free concerts. In South Africa, France, Montreal of Canada, California and Santa Cruz of America, you can attend the annual music festivals for free. 10.Free movies.Every summer,an open-air film festival is held in the ultramodern Viret Park in Paris,and the giant outdoor movie screen attracts the eyes of many movie-goers.

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